Learn, train, and experiment with cutting-edge tools and methods
Gene-Pi is a unique platform available for all scientists interested in digital PCR, novice to experts. This center aims to provide the latest information to enable users to learn the essentials of digital PCR while remaining instrument agnostic.
To learn about digital PCR, you can choose to follow tutorials specific to your application of interest, which contains detailed workflows, from experimental set-up to data analysis. You can also directly navigate to specific items (“DNA Preparation for dPCR”, “Fluorescence Spill-over” etc.) through the search navigation tool, or explore our “How To” section (set-up, analyze, and report).

How to Setup
How to Analyze
How to Report
Digital PCR, the next generation of DNA amplification, is based on partitioning the fully assembled PCR mix into thousands of individual reaction compartments prior to amplification. Nucleic acid molecules are thus distributed across partitions, and amplified separately, alleviating any potential competition, and enabling absolute quantification of the DNA or RNA molecules.
This highly sensitive technology has already proven its reliability in applications such as Absolute Quantification (no need for standard curves!), Rare Event Detection (for example quantification of tumor-derived sequences in liquid biopsies), Gene Expression and miRNA quantification, exquisite discrimination in Copy Number Variation (CNV), and Next Generation Sequencing Library Quantification, amongst many others…
Digital PCR is fast becoming a mainstream technique in all labs, from academia to biotech and pharma to industry. Join us!!