Statistical tools - Limit of Blank/Limit of Detection (EP17-A2)

This tool automatically estimates the Limit of Blank (LoB) and the Limit of Detection (LoD) for a target gene complying with EP17-A2 standards.

The values are computed given a set of negative controls (at least 30 replicated are recommended), a set of low-level samples (at least 5 different samples with a minimum of 6 replicates each are recommended), and a confidence level. To use the calculator only to calculate the LoB, no values are required for the low-level samples column.

To learn more about LOD and LOB for digital PCR, check out this Technical Note available here: How to characterize the Limit of Blank and the Limit of Detection in Crystal Digital PCR™

Below is an example of common usage. Download it and follow the steps to get your results.

How to use the tool?

  1. Get the template
  2. Complete the file with your information
  3. Post the completed file and click Submit to automatically download results

1 -Download the template

Get an example

2 - Select data

3 - Get results